Dr.Victoria Lopez (Spain)


The use of Big and Open Data in social and health sciences is increasing every day due to the improvements in prediction and pattern recognition processes, among others. Machine learning and new technologies provide the opportunity to use new sources of information which add an important value on our information systems and facilitate decision making. However, data sources are diverse and datasets are non-structured, therefore, in most cases, adequate preprocessing of data is necessary: ​​collecting, cleaning, integration are key processes that we cannot ignore if we want the results of traditional statistical analysis to be reliable. In this talk two examples of data integration are shown in relation to pre-processing of several sources of information: medical history data, automated real-time monitoring data (from accelerometers) and data provided by the patient through a mobile application (with and without supervision).
Both cases, bipolar disorder and drugs dependency studies, data collected includes geo-localization of the patient,  voice recording, image recognition, and many others qualitative and qualitative data. Data from accelerometers are collected every 5 seconds, while geographical position on the map is collected several times per day. A great amount of data from monitoring via smartphones is collected at least once per day. With all these data, the system will be able to build a profile of the patient in real time and compare it with patient euthymic stage. This information facilitates the crisis prediction.
A correct collecting and integration of the data require the execution of integration processes of NoSQL databases and other processes for cleaning data as detection of outliers or principal components analysis for reducing dimensionality of the problems before data analytics.

Short Bio:

Victoria López is Associate Professor at Computer Architecture department of Complutense University in Madrid, Spain.
She has received her PhD in Computational Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence from Polytechnic University of Madrid. She has also received her bachelor degree in Mathematics from Complutense University of Madrid and Diploma from MIT on “Big Data technologies and challenges”.
She serves as head of the G-TeC research group at Faculty of Informatics at Complutense University in Spain. Her research interests are Big Data in Healthcare and Social Sciences.
In this way, she is leading the project Bip4Cast (a big data integration for prediction of a crisis of bipolar patiens https://bip4cast.org/).
She is also head of the analytics group within consortium SocialBigData-CM devoted to monitoring and analysis of social change from Big Data (http://socialbigdata.transyt-projects.com/objetivos/english/).
She also has been head of WAP Madrid and many other projects on social and health sciences.
As consequence of her research, she has published more than 50 researching articles in indexed international journals and conferences and she has served recently as keynote in the following conferences:
2017 Keynote Invited Speaker at Leiden University Medical Center, January, 13th, 2017. Tittle: ‘Big Data in Healthcare and Social Sciences’. The Netherland.
2016 Keynote Invited Speaker, International Conference of Computer for Engineering and Sciences ICCES, Barcelona, Spain. July, 23th, 2016. Tittle: ‘Big Data in Healthcare and Social Sciences’.
2015 Invited Speaker at 7th course on Science Networks: Big Data Good Data at Polytechnic University of Madrid,  Cátedra Orange at ETSI Telecomunicaciones, 10-11, November, 2015, ‘Some applications for Smartcity’ (http://catedra-orange.upm.es/jornadas-y-cursos/jornadas-big-data-good-data-2015 )
2015 Invited Speaker, Facultad de Estudios Estadísticos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 13th January- Tittle: ‘Open Data for Smartcity’, (https://youtu.be/x9G_l-0rLIE)
2014 Invited Speaker, Fortune Time Institute, New York. August, 26th 2014. Tittle: ‘Big and Open Data’.
2014 Invited Speaker on EUNE Business School, Conference on Big Data, SeminariosAlianza del Pacífico. NuevasTecnologías e Innovación, Madrid, Spain.
2014 Invited Speaker on VI Foro Iberoamericano FIBED, ‘La Tecnología al Servicio del Patrimonio’, Madrid, Spain.
2014 Invited Speaker, Conference on Urban Waste Management and Hazardous, Consorcio Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain. (“Recyla.me &Recyclate! Apps on domestic waste recycling”)
2014 Invited Speaker, International IEEE Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computers, PIC2014, Shanghai, China. (“Big and Open Data: Challenges for Smartcity”).
2014 Invited Speaker, ICIST 2014 (4th International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies), Valencia (Spain) “Big & Open Data: Challenges for Smartcity”
2013 Invited Plenary Speaker, International Conference ConVisionEmpresarial, Sonora University, Title: “Big and Open Data: analytics and mobile technologies”, Hermosillo, Mexico 

Dr. Ahmad Azar (Egypt)

Dr. Ahmad Azar (Egypt) has received the M.Sc. degree (2006) in System Dynamics and Ph.D degree (2009) in Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems from Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (Egypt). He is currently assistant professor, Faculty ofcomputers and information, Benha University, Egypt. Dr. Azar is the Editor in Chief of International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA)published by IGI Global, USA.Also, he is the Editor in Chief of International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics (IJIEI),Inderscience Publishers, Olney, UK. Dr. Azar is associate editor of IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Dr. Ahmad Azar has worked in the areas of Control Systems, Process control, Chaos Control and Synchronization, and Computational Intelligence and has authored/coauthored over 160 research publications in peer-reviewed reputed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. He is an editor of many Books in the field of Fuzzy logic systems, modeling techniques, control systems, computational intelligence, Chaos modelingand Machine learning. Dr. Ahmad Azar is closely associated with several international journals as a reviewer. He serves as international programme committee member in many international and peer-reviewed conferences. Dr Ahmad Azar is currently Senior member in IEEE, Chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Egypt Chapterand Vice chair of IEEEComputational Intelligence Society Interdisciplinary Emergent Technologies Task Force. Also, he is the Vice-president (North) of System dynamics Africa Regional Chapterand an Academic Member of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Computational Collective Intelligence.










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